What is the average temperature on Mercury? Mercury: Mercury is the closest planet to our sun. It circles the sun every 88 days, rather than Earth's orbit of 365 days. The surface of Mercury is rocky and resembles that of Earth's moon. It is a dense planet, but not the hottest. ...
What are the bright spots on Ceres? What are characteristics of Jovian planets? How old is Ceres? Does Ceres have oxygen? What are Kepler's 3 laws? What is the average temperature on Ceres? How long is a year on Ceres? Why was Ceres re-classified as a dwarf planet?
What is the average temperature on Ceres? What planetary system is Earth in? How does gravity affect Comet Hale-Bopp? What is another name for the gravitational force? What is the Jovian system? Explore our homework questions and answers library ...
What is the temperature range on Mercury? Answer and Explanation:1 Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and the one closest to our Sun. Like its neighbor Venus, Mercury has no moons. Mercury orbits the... Learn more about this topic: ...
In addition, its surface temperature can vary by as much as 20 °C due to Mars’ eccentric orbit around the Sun (meaning that it is closer to the Sun at certain points in its orbit than at others). Jupiter: Since Jupiter is a gas giant, it has no solid surface, so it has no sur...
(288 degrees Fahrenheit); and the temperature on Venus, which is almost as hot as the hottest temperature on Mercury, is constant. The outer gas giants — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — all have surfaces that compare with Mercury at its coldest, but they become warmer deeper inside...
Uranus is a smaller gas giant than its cousins, but contains many of the same features. Its average temperature of -193 degrees Celsius (-315 degrees Fahrenheit) leaves it shrouded in clouds of methane and ammonia ice crystals. Its eccentric orbit leaves one pole pointed away from the sun fo...
Tiffany Means is a freelance writer and a degreed meteorologist. She specializes in weather forecasting and enjoys making the subject of weather (and the science behind it) more relatable. She currently resides in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. ...
When it comes to ascertaining the averagetemperatureof a planet, scientists rely on temperature variations measured from the surface. As a gas/ice giant, Neptune has no surface, per se. As a result, scientists rely on temperature readings from where the atmospheric pressure is equal to 1 bar ...
Pluto's average temperature is around minus 400 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 240 Celsius). This photograph of Ceres, a dwarf planet in the main asteroid belt, was taken by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA) Could life exist on a dwarf planet? Three...