which is one of the 11 official languages of South Africa. According to Ryan Coogler, who directed the film, they employed dialect coaches, native speakers and translators during the production of The Black Panther because he wanted to explore the language some more in that movie....
Current local time in Asgardian space station, Asgardia - Asgardian space station Asgardia time zones - what time is it in Asgardian space station, Asgardia - world time zone information for Asgardian space station Asgardia
Thanos' gauntlet (with all the Infinity Stones attached) is visible in the Asgardian vaults. The gauntlet is left-handed (like Thanos'), unlike the right-handed fake gauntlet seen in the Thor films. Blooper When Thor is conducting the study group, the writing on the board behind him changes...