When you need cash, one of your first instincts may be to tap into savings.If you have an emergency fund saved up, that should be your first choice. But if you don’t and are thinking about drawing from your retirement savings, you’re probably wondering: What is a 401(k) hardship ...
The interest rate associated with a subprime mortgage depends on four factors: credit score, the size of the down payment, the number of late payment delinquencies on a borrower’s credit report, and the types of delinquencies found on the report. Amortgage calculatoris a good resource for det...
A little over a year ago I published an article on lifeinthearmy.com, titled “The Big Lie About the US Army – What the US Army is not telling the American People”. In it I talk about the standards being higher now, than ever, especially physical fitness, the Army Combat Fitness Te...
27, 2020, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 allocated $22.7 billion to the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II, known as HEERF II. Some of that funding must be used in direct aid to students. This second iteration of relief money follows the roughly ...
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) temporarily expanded unemployment insurance to freelancers, independent contractors, and the self-employed.
President Donald Trump on Friday declared the coronavirus pandemic an emergency by invoking a law known as the Stafford Act. Here's how the Stafford Act works and the powers the declaration unlocks. WHAT IS THE STAFFORD ACT? The law, enacted in 1988, empowers the Federal ...
This is when the home is put up for auction. If it sellsfor less than what you oweon the mortgage, some states allow the lender to require you to pay the difference. Redemption period Even if your home has been sold at auction, many states will allow you to reclaim it if you can ...
Is mortgage forbearance a good idea? Mortgage forbearance isn’t necessarily a bad idea, as long as you communicate with your lender or servicer and have a plan for when the relief period ends. When you can’t afford to pay your mortgage, forbearance gives you a chance to sort out your...
You'll Either Pay Off the Debt or Not, but Life Will Go On Just remember that at some point things will work out: You will pay off what you owe andfind debt relief, or time will pass and you won't pay off your debts. There is a statute of limitations on credit card debt, ...
What is a charge-off? When a creditor believes a debt will not be repaid, it is removed from the creditor’s balance sheet. Since the debt cannot be carried on the creditor’s books as an asset, the creditor will mark the debt as “charged off” and report that status to the three...