This week, I will hike along the Appalachian Trail alone to look for what can be hard to find in the city:solitude. In the 41 , I can find places to be alone,but it is much harder to find true solitude. The 42between cities and mountains is the secret I find that the43comforts....
Rather than dwelling on why too many men don't succeed in college, trekker Karen Arnold examines the features of an experience in which many men do excel: the long hike from Georgia to Maine. Educators can learn why accomplishing this feat may be more rewarding than college....
Every issue ofTrailis packed with award-winning writing and photography, mapped mountain routes, expert reviews of all the latest outdoor gear, interviews with the biggest names in outdoor adventure, and expert advice from mountain pros on how to improve your hill skills....
As a hiking enthusiast, I had always dreamed of hiking the Appalachian Trail. Every time I drove up into the mountain for a day or weekend trip, I'd think of all the Appalachian Trail hikers and the kinds of people who embark on such a journey—the mental and physical exertion, the mo...
MapFollow biafat2019 created Sep 25, 2018 Appalachian Trail (AT) Backpacking,Hiking,Thru-Hiking, Military Veteran Disabled Fundraiser 3 Followers This journal will follow my journey as I move towards my thru hike of the AT in 2019. It will cover the good, bad, and ugly as I stumble throug...
With over 30 years of thru-hiking and section-hiking long trails all over the country (but never the PCT), Andy Niekamp is definitely the voice of experience. Backpacker sat down with him to find out his tips, tricks, and favorite gear.
Background:Leu is a program specialist on the New Store Opening marketing team at REI. “I backpacked the southern third of the [Appalachian Trail] in 2014 (712 miles) with my now husband and my passion is distance running,” says Leu.She has two kids—3-year-old Betty and 2-year-ol...
But that's what Disney is all about...magic and imagination. If Walt had been alive and saw the awe and wonder in my eyes when I thought we'd really taken a deep dive, he would have been very pleased. Yes, I do miss the museum being on the grounds at Holiday World. But it's...
ANNE: Hey, readers, I'm Anne Bogel and this is What Should I Read Next? Episode 346. Welcome to the show that's dedicated to answering the question that plagues every reader: What Should I Read Next? We don't get bossy on this show: What we WILL do here is give you the informati...
Well, believe it or not, most of the preparation involved logistic details and doing my homework about the trail itself. The reason people fail to complete the whole hike is usually that something creeps up that they didn't prepare for. This just made me realize that it's not the obvious...