"'The Chicago Manual of Style' is the one book you must have if you work with words. First published in 1906, the indispensable reference forwriters, editors, proofreaders, indexers, copywriters, designers, and publishers...[is] replete with clear, well-considered advice on style and usage...
Grammar is something even the most professional writers get wrong. Use very succinct paragraphs to direct writers to grammar rules. Whether you’re usingThe AP StylebookorThe Chicago Manual of Style, include three to four pages on the basics of your chosen manual. This can include the difference...
Writing style is the way a writer expresses their thoughts. It includes choices ingrammarandpunctuation, as well as the overall tone and organization of a written piece. Style varies with the subject matter, audience and context. For example, an academic paper will have a much dif...
Using the Oxford comma is more common in US English than UK English. Let’s go back to our very first Oxford comma example: Please bring me a pencil, eraser, and notebook. The above example in AP style would look like this: Please bring me a pencil, eraser and notebook. It’s hard...
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Permitted use:If you’re a student, check if the calculator is approved for use in standardized tests or exams. Battery life:Consider the calculator’s battery life and whether it uses replaceable or rechargeable batteries. Durability:Invest in a well-built calculator that can withstand daily use...
ATheresultoftheexperimentwasquitefromwhatIexpected.differentawaysameSimilar正确答案:A11.Thesenewproductswillbeforelong.makeoutcomeoutsetouttakeout正确答案:BA1Ithechildrenlistenedtohis witheagerattention.advantageadvertisementadvanceAdventures正确答案:DThisdanceiswithyoungpeopleallovertheregion.samepopularwelcomeFavorite...
“The education is tremendous,” father Brian Petersen says. “Students learn to work with people from different countries, of different cultures, of different religions, with different habits and customs and languages.” The significantly lower-cost tuition w...
Is a hyphen required when using inter- or intra- prefixes? Most stylebooks say there’s no need to include a hyphen when using inter- or intra-. The AP Stylebook recommends using a hyphen only if a proper noun follows the prefix, and The Chicago Manual of Style recommends using a hyphen...