The mountain village presented a vibrant scene. tā suī nián mài dàn zhāo qì péng bó 她虽年迈,但朝气蓬勃。 Though old in years, she is young in spirit. zhè xiē nián qīng rén zhāo qì péng bó 这些年轻人朝气蓬勃。 The young people are full of vigor. ...
色彩亮丽 vibrant colour xīn luò chéng de shì tǐ yù guǎn gěi gǔ chéng yòu zēng tiān le yī dào liàng lì de fēng jǐng xiàn 新落成的市体育馆给古城又增添了一道亮丽的风景线。 The newly completed municipal gym opens another vista to the splendour of the ancient city. ...