我言不由衷地说了一些表达同情的客套话。 I mouthed some sympathetic platitudes insincerely. synonym kǒu shì xīn fēi口是心非xīn kǒu bù yī心口不一 antonym fèi fǔ zhī yán肺腑之言biǎo lǐ rú yī表里如一yóu zhōng zhī yán由衷之言yán wéi xīn shēng言为心声xīn kǒu rú y...
One might see iningenuousthe wordingenue, which nowadays is sometimes used for a young female actress or performer but originally referred to a naïve girl or woman.Ingenuoussounds like it should be the opposite ofgenuine, but thein-prefix here means “in-" or “within” and is not the ne...
What is another word for monotonous? Sentences with the word monotonous Words that rhyme with monotonous What is the adverb for monotonous? What is the adjective for monotonous? What is the noun for monotonous? Translations for monotonous Use our Antonym Finder Nearby Words monotonously monotonousness...
v.sympathetic; regret; feel sorry for others' misfortunes or for the unexpected change of an event wǒ bǎ jiù shū quán mài le yī zhí gǎn dào shí fēn wǎn xī 我把旧书全卖了,一直感到十分惋惜。 I've always regretted selling all my old books. ...
The road will have to be blasted out of solid rock. synonym bì yào必要 antonym bù yòng不用bù bì不必wú xū无须wú yōng毋庸 Word usage Note "须要" is different from "需要". "须要" can only be used before verbal or adjective words, and has no nominal usage; "需要" can be used...
antonym nèi内lǐ里 5 v.administer medicine to bring out the cold biǎo hàn 表汗 bring about perspiration 6 n.the relationship between the children or grandchildren of a brother and a sister or of sisters biǎo gē 表哥 male cousin ...
Do you know how many meters is Yangtze River's deepest point? shuǐ bù gòu shēn chuán fú dòng bù qǐ lai 水不够深,船浮动不起来。 There wasn't enough water to float the ship. antonym qiǎn浅 2 adj.(of colour) dark; rich ...