Keep in mind that you have to reverse the antonym’s meaning to reveal the definition of the unknown word. Context clues example sentences Mika seemed genial at first, but when we started discussing politics she became hostile and even rude. Even though he was prejudiced as a teenager, his...
Democratic leadership is the antonym of the autocratic style. In this leadership style, managers make decisions with equal amounts of input from all employees or other people involved. Typically, there's still somebody who makes the final decision, but they consider everybody's viewpoints before ...
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 灭 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 灭 is (of a light, fire, etc.) go out .
2 of the host (at table) antonym kè wèi客位 3 n.theme biāo jì zhǔ wèi shì yào zài yī dìng yǔ jìng xià de fēi biāo jì zhǔ wèi de biàn tǐ 标记主位是要在一定语境下的非标记主位的变体。 Marked theme is an unmarked variant in a given context. ...
His spirit is very uplifting. zhè shì jìn nián lái shēng wù xué shang lìng rén zhèn fèn de fā zhǎn zhī yī 这是近年来生物学上令人振奋的发展之一。 This is one of the most exciting developments in biology in recent years. ...
have high morale jī áng liáo liàng de gē shēng xiǎng chè jūn yíng 激昂嘹亮的歌声响彻军营。 Impassioned lusty singing resounded in the military camp. tā zhèng zài tái shang jī áng fā yán 她正在台上激昂发言。 She is speaking passionately on stage. ...
The women on the march were highly militant. guó huì dòu zhì áng yáng 国会斗志昂扬。 Congress is in a combative mood. antonym xīn huī yì lǎn心灰意懒wěi mǐ bù zhèn委靡不振 Word usage Note "斗志昂扬" is often used with "意气风发"....
天空很低沉。 The sky is very overcast. synonym yīn chén阴沉 antonym míng liàng明亮 Word usage Note "低沉" is different from "消沉". "消沉" is only used to describe emotions; "低沉" can also be used to describe the weather, sound, etc....