This child is not at all bad-looking. synonym chǒu lòu丑陋 2 adj.derogshabby; disgraceful; shameful nǐ shuō chū zhè yàng de huà lái yě bù jué de hán chen 你说出这样的话来也不觉得寒碜! Aren't you ashamed of yourself for saying such a thing?
She was ashamed of her cowardice. synonym cán kuì惭愧kuì jiù愧疚hàn yán汗颜xiū nǎn羞赧xiū cán羞惭kuǐ zuò傀怍hàn xià汗下 antonym jiāo ào骄傲zì háo自豪 Word usage Note "羞愧" is different from "羞惭". "羞愧" mostly refers to the psychological state; "羞惭" emphasizes the ...
What techniques does Pope use to weave humor into the poem "The Rape of the Lock"? Explain why the techniques are humorous. Humor in The Rape of the Lock: Alexander Pope was near the beginning of his fame as a poet when he created this p...
Our whole existence here is based on this great promise that we are special, superior to the whole thing. But we are not. We are just like everyone else. Look at us. We bought into the same ridiculous illusion, this idea that you have to resign from life and settle down the moment y...
I am ashamed to show off my incompetence in the presence of an expert like yourself. antonym cáng zhuō藏拙 Word usage Note "献丑" is different from "现丑". "献丑" is humility, a kind of prepared behavior; "现丑" refers to ugliness. Separable word "献" and "丑" can be combined as...
I don't think I've done anything to be ashamed of over this matter. synonym fǔ yǎng wú kuì俯仰无愧yǎng bù kuì tiān仰不愧天bù kuì bù zuò不愧不怍qīn yǐng wú cán衾影无惭 antonym zuò zéi xīn xū做贼心虚zuò zéi xīn xū作贼心虚xīn huái guǐ tāi心怀鬼胎xīn ...
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 光彩 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 光彩 is lustre .
Advantage is always accompanied by disadvantage. wèi mín chú hài 为民除害 get rid of a public scourge antonym yì益 2 adj.harmful hài niǎo 害鸟 harmful bird hài chóng 害虫 pest hài shòu 害兽 harmful animal antonym yì益 3
antonym lěng sōu sōu冷飕飕 2 adj.searing; stinging pain caused by burning or whipping tā de shǒu tàng shāng le téng de huǒ là là de 他的手烫伤了,疼得火辣辣的。 He burnt his hand and it hurts badly. 3 adj.flushed; ashamed ...
zì kuì bù rú 自愧不如 Chinese dictionary Show pinyin derogfeel ashamed of one's inferiority; regret that one is not as good as somebody tā nà me shòu rén huān yíng ràng wǒ zì kuì bù rú 她那么受人欢迎,让我自愧不如。