Asynonymis awordhaving the same or nearly the samemeaningas another word in certaincontexts. The adjective form issynonymous.Synonymyis the relationship that exists between words with closely related meanings. The word comes from the Greek meaning "same name." Contrast with anantonym. A synonym ...
tā huái zhe mì mì de mù dì 他怀着秘密的目的。 He has secret intentions. synonym yǐn mì隐秘sī mì私密 antonym gōng kāi公开 Word usage common measure word "秘密" is often matched with measure word "个". 一个秘密 one secret...
The little girl is too delicate to walk such a short distance. shuí zhī dào tā pí fū zhè me jiāo qì 谁知道她皮肤这么娇气? Who knew she had such delicate skin? antonym nài láo耐劳 Word usage Note "娇气" is different from "骄气". "骄气" is often used as a noun to describe...