The anti-carcinogenic action of CA is mainly associated with its antioxidant and pro-oxidant capacities, and this is attributed to its chemical structure. Firstly, the presence of free phenolic hydroxyls (ortho-dihydroxyl) makes it possible to reduce the enthalpy of OH-bond dissociation and ...
Dyes iltrolavonoids are a kind of isoflavones. They were originally separated from broom plantsDyer's Genista Tinctoria L., which is widely distributed in the beanic plants. Isoflavones, such as Genistein and Soyanoside, are in many plants, including Luo Ping, broad beans, soybeans, Pueraria...
Sex-based differences in bronchial asthma can already be observed in childhood, at which time allergic atopic asthma is more frequently found in boys than in girls. In adulthood, higher prevalence of asthma is reported in women, especially for the more severe neutrophilic subtype associated with ob...
Wikipedia Category filter: AcronymDefinition NTRNitro(Nintendo DS codename) NTRNon Tax Revenue(various locations) NTRNormal Trade Relations(international economic term; Most Favored Nation, MFN) NTRNew to Range NTRNational Trail Raceway(Ohio)
Wikipedia Related to peroxidase:horseradish peroxidase,peroxidase reaction,Thyroid peroxidase AcronymDefinition PODProof Of Delivery PODPay On Demand PODPrint On Demand PODPayable on Death(band name) PODPayable on Death PODPicture of the Day PODPick of Destiny(Tenacious D movie/album/song) ...
Honey is a sweet food made by bees from the flowers’ nectar or honeydew droplets. It is the only food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life, includingenzymes,vitamins, minerals, and water and even more, it’s the only food that contains pinocembrin, an antioxidant assoc...
Myrcene is found in large concentrations in the cannabis plant. It exudes a musky herbal aroma. Effects: quickens the effects of cannabinoids, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antioxidant, relaxing Other sources: wild thyme, hops, lemon grass, mango, cardamom Limonene As you’d expect fr...
(I'm paraphrasing, of course.) This, to me, is the greatest power of science: you can observe the waymanythings work, determine what laws they follow, and then generalize those laws to explain (and even predict)newphenomena. So come forward to the present day. Where are we now?
Vitamin Eis a major player in this due to its excellent antioxidant properties. It is capable of protecting sebum from being damaged through oxidation. Therefore, light supplementation with Vitamin E, as well as its topical application, should be a must for people suffering from this frustrating ...
However, one study, released in 1994, suggests these same additives may actually retard cancer development because of their antioxidant properties. There is actually more than one study suggesting anti-carcinogenic effects of BHT. This article aims to look at the conflicting conclusions to help indi...