The equation of a stationary wave is y =0.05 sin 200πtcosπx with all quantities in SI units. What is the maximum speed of a particle at an antinode ? View Solution In a stationary wave that forms as a result of reflection of waves from an obstacle, the ratio of the amplitude at ...
Question: A standing wave on a string has a velocity of 42 m/s and a period of 0.01 s. What is the frequency of the wave? Wave Parameters The relation between frequency, velocity and wavelength of a wave is given by, {eq}\nu=\frac{v}...
What is a node in a wave?WaveformIn Physics, the term waveform of a given signal is nothing but the shape of its graph as a time function, which is not dependent on its magnitude scales and on any displacement in time.Answer and Explanation: ...
NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
When sound reflects from a wall, the standing wave is formed. The natural frequencies of vibrations, which are determined by the speed and the length of a cylindrical tube, in the tube open at both ends are different from that at only one...
WaveApplets String Tubeopenatbothends Tubeopenatoneend WavesinStringsandPipes Nodesatclosedends Antinodesatopenends Open/Open Closed/Open Closed/Closed(String) ExampleProblems DopplerEffect DopplerEffect Changeinwavelengthand frequencycausedbymotion ofsourceorlistener Shorterwavelength=higher frequency DopplerEffect...
VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio): Voltage standing wave ratio refers to the ratio of the antinode voltage of the standing wave to the amplitude of the node voltage, also known as the standing wave coefficient and the standing wave ratio. When the VSWR is equal to 1, it means that the ...
Answer to: The figure below shows a snapshot of a wave on a string. If the frequency of this wave is 31 Hz, what is the approximate speed of the...
A pendulum is simply a mass suspended from an inextensible string to a fixed point. The mass of the pendulum, known as bob undergoes to and fro motion about this fixed point and this motion is known as simple harmonic motion (SHM). The motion repeats itself at regular intervals and is ...
What is the ration of inte... 01:56 What is the distance between a node and an adjoining antinode in a sta... 03:22 An open organ pipe is closed at one end. How will the frequency of fun... 01:41 If tension of a sire is increased to four times, how is the wave speed......