but there's more. It is based on the adaptive information processing (AIP) model, which Francine Shapiro, creator of EMDR, originally developed as a working hypothesis based on clinical observation. It accounts for the speed of clinical results EMDR achieved (Shapiro, 2...
Greenwald: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) has already been defined by at least one EMDR-focused professional association as inextricably based on Shapiro's (2001) eight-phase protocol and adaptive information processing (AIP) model. This commentary argues that given the lack of ...
As evaluated in numerous studies, EMDR is a distinct, eight-phase integrative psychotherapy approach that consists of numerous procedures and protocols, which were formulated and are conducted in accordance with the principles of the AIP model. Research and published clinical case reports have validated...
AIPPSYCHOTHERAPYMODELRESEARCHThis Point/Counterpoint concludes the interchange in Greenwald, R. and Shapiro, F. (2010) What is EMDR?: Commentary by Greenwald and Invited Response by Shapiro Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 4, 170179. Greenwald Rejoinder: In this rejoinder, I highlight areas...