But agave is a desert plant, plain and simple. “Although its Land Use impact, measured by land occupied per unit ethanol output, is 98 [percent] higher than corn and 2 [percent] higher than sugarcane, agave can be grown on arid land that is not suitable for food crops,” the ...
With that being said, not every succulent is herbaceous. The Joshua Tree, for example, is a massive tree from the agave family that can grow to be 40 feet tall. It has a super thick, woody stem, just like any other tree. You probably can’t call it an herbaceous plant like other ...
The syrup is made from agave plants (including, but not limited to, the tequila variety of the plant), which are juiced and filtered so that the resulting liquid is thick and honey-colored. It’s becoming a very popular sugar alternative because not only is it very sweet, but because it...
Made from hops, the same plant used to flavor beer, hop water offers a unique alternative for those looking to enjoy the distinct taste of hops without thealcohol content. Hop water is brewed by infusing hops in water, allowing the flavors and aromas to meld together to create a distinctive...
Agave syrup (or nectar, as it is also called), comes from the agave plant, which is grown and harvested primarily in Mexico. In the same way maple syrup is harvested from trees, the liquid syrup is extracted from the cactus-like plant’s core, then heated to change the complex carbohydr...
What is mezcal? Mezcal is a Mexican spirit distilled from agave, a large succulent plant with spiky leaves. It’s made by cooking the heart of the agave plant (the “piña,” so named because it resembles a huge pineapple). Artisanal methods slowly braise the agave over a fire, caramel...
Many succulents and tropical plants fit into this category, such as begonias, Alternanthera, elephant ears, and agave.“If you get right down to it, the label given the plant isn't important. What is important is how the plant performs in your garden," says Proven Winners’ horticulturist ...
Kings wore a large square of cotton cloth wrapped around the shoulders. They also wore capes made of embroidered cotton or jaguar pelts. At times sisal, from the agave plant, or silk was used. Headdresses were made of iridescent tail feathers from the quetzal (kate-Sal) bird. ...
Texas is a very biodiverse state. It hosts tens of thousands of native animal and plant species, which reside in more than 800 habitat types acrossthe four natural regions of Texas. The second-largest state in the United States is home to such creatures as the Texas horned lizard, the west...
What is Galangal? The Spice of Life! Galanga is an ancient healing plant with a long history of culinary and medicinal uses. We explore the origins of galanga as a spice and medicine, the health benefits of galanga, and how you can use galanga for specif