Agape love is always shown by what it does. God’s love is displayed most clearly at the cross. “God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved...
According to 1 John 4:8,God is love or “agape”. The verse also says that “he who does not love” — meaning someone who does not respond with that depth of love — does not really “know” the full depth of friendship, family love, or even sexual love. Wikipedia describes Agape ...
2. Marital love or Eros This is the type of romantic love we feel with a partner who we wish to marry or have already married. 3. Love by the principle – Agape This love is not based on emotions but on principles. It is referred to as the love for people we do not like, the...
You see, God’s love or God’s agape love is truly unconditional because it comes from the very heart of God. You see in first John chapter 4 that “God is love.” What it is communicating to us is that love is at the very core of God’s nature and character, and he is genuine...
专辑:AGAPE 歌手:StevehillsKing Lase What Is The Gain - Stevehills/King Lase Lyrics by:Oluwafemi Ajumobi/ekundayo monja/Stephen Orjinta Composed by:Oluwafemi Ajumobi/ekundayo monja/Stephen Orjinta My brother all the money way you get never do you ...
What Are the Four Types of Love in Scripture? People throw around the word “love” in different contexts, yet we encounter confusion when we try to define exactly what love is. The Bible uses separate terms for the four types of love: agape, storge, eros, and phileo. ...
- Agape: unconditional, divine, selfless - Ludus: flirtatious, playful, casual, uncommitted - Pragma: committed, long-standing - Philautia: self-love - Mania: obsessive, possessive, addictive, dependent Love is and always has been a complex concept. Is it an emotion, a state of being, a...
What is Love?Gery Karantzas, Deakin UniversityFrom songs and poems to novels and movies, romantic love is one of the most enduring subjects for artworks through the ages. But what about the science?Historical, cultural and even evolutionary evidence suggests love existed during ancient times and...
fruit of the spiritpleasing godsnackWith KJV Parallel Temperance Is Restraint On Demand, To Be Sober; Self-controlled December 20, 20176 min read fruit of the spiritgod's loveour lovestudiesstudy-lesson Agape Love; Genuine Love of God is True Love ...
And here we are told that the first way to imitate God is by walking in love. And just in case you’re curious, the love isagapelove again. It is the kind of perfect, unconditional, all-consuming, never ending love God has for us. ...