10. The bad news is, the alcohol you just drank contains so much ethanol that it's going to bind with that nasty formic acid rampaging through your body, hence you're just gonna pee it out, harmlessly. 而坏消息是,你刚才喝的酒里所含的乙醇,正好可以和你体内那些可恶的甲酸牢牢结合在一起,...
With a golden-green color, the Ginger Gold apple is pretty mild in flavor with a bit of ginger as mentioned in its name. This variety is fully grown a bit earlier than most other apples with their season beginning a...
These fat cells are found in many parts of the body like muscles , but they are particularly concentrated in the abdominal region. If the fat is not burned for energy, it is continually stored mainly around the abdominal region. In the face of persistent obesogenic stress and limited capacity...
Muscle fatigue can be described as the feeling of weakness or exhaustion in your muscles during or after physical activity. It’s a natural response of the body to prolonged exertion and is characterized by a noticeable decrease in the power output of muscles. Physiological Causes Of Muscle Fatig...
What is collagen? The most abundant protein in the body, it's found in muscles, bones, skin and tendons. Learn about the types, sources, benefits and supplements.
For an instance, weight gain is a strongly possibility, as a result of the high sugar and calories. Drinking soda has also been linked to tooth decay(蛀牙). In fact, the acid in soda can begin damaging teeth just 20 minute after soda is drinking, according to a survey. Unfortunately, ...
Bones and muscles may also be damaged. A third-degree burn is the most serious type of burn.What causes a third-degree burn?Direct exposure to heat for a long time, such as contact with a hot object, flame, or tar Harsh chemicals, such as cleaning products, car battery acid, gasoline...
I sat in the chair and I stuttered, “But, my diagnosis is mild spastic diplegia…” The notes from the appointment state that the doctor suspects “spastic laryngeal muscles.” He referred me to otolaryngology and also back to physical medicine & rehabilitation. I’ve held on to those ...
Even though lactic acid and lactate are often used interchangeably, they aren’t the same thing. For the sake of this story (and scientific accuracy), we are going to stick with the term lactate. When you engage in strenuous exercise, like HIIT or strength training, your muscles need more...
Laser scanners may be used to check the blood flow in your skin.How is a second-degree burn treated?Medicines may be used to decrease pain, prevent infection, or help your burn heal. They may be given as a pill or as an ointment applied to your skin. Surgery may remove damaged tissue...