are more time consuming or require rather complicated and/or technique sensitive procedures.D.Conducting a PubMed database search in May 2014 for articles dealing with the resin bond to dental zirconia ceramic reveals an astonishing increase of research being published in the last two decades years...
It is important to help people understand robots in order to develop robots to human needs.
Clinical data provide strong evidence that air-abrasion at a moderate pressure in combination with using phosphate monomer containing primers and/or luting resins provide long-term durable bonding to glass-infiltrated alumina and zirconia ceramic under the humid and stressful oral conditions.反馈...
In the abstract of a review article, there are usually five moves, after the move of indicating the reviewed focus, what might follow closely is the move that describes: A.the background B. the conclusion C.the reviewed details 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 问答题 为体现中国功夫打斗时紧张...
From the abstract, what is the result of this article?() A. Overall 10 publications with clinical trials could be identified.Their clinical outcome was compared with that laboratory bond strength studies. B.Clinical data provide strong evidence that air-abrasion at a moderate pressure in combinatio...
AbstractIntroduction Bodyofpaper:developmentofmodel,validation,orproblemsolution,ormathematicaltheory,etc.conclusion Thetitleofresearcharticle •论文的标题相当于论文的“标签”,是简明、确切地反论文的标题相当于论文的“标签”是简明、映论文重要美容、映论文重要美容、研究范围和深度的最恰当词语的逻辑组合,通常是...
title-conclusion-abstract-charts-introduction-results-discussion-methods D. followingtheorderofthepaper 5 【多选题】(10分) Themainstructure(s)ofresearchpaperare(is): A. Results,Discussion B. methods C. Conclusion D. introduction 6 【单选题】(10分) Whatisthemainaimofresearcharticle? A. analyzingor...
You may remember from an earlier program that a noncount noun is a noun that we usually do not count. So it does not appear in plural form. Noncount nouns include materials (like gold), substances (like water and fire), abstract th...
4. Where is the piece of text taken from? A. an advertisement B. an instruction booklet C. a story D. a newspaper Question 5 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text. ...
13. It's an anomaly. Doctors love anomalies. Dark spot on an x-ray, bright spot on an MRI... Killing that second inmate was the homicidal equivalent of blood in the urine. It doesn't fit. 这属于异常现象,是医生们的最爱。像x光片上的黑点啦,核磁共振上的亮点啦……而杀害第二个狱友这...