The full name of 20th CPC National Congress is the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. 中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会于10月16日-22日在北京人民大会堂召开。 The 20th National Congress of the Communist P...
2023-05-23Natsume Announces a September 2023 Launch for Harvest Moon: The Winds of Anthos! The Newest Installment in the Beloved Harvest Moon Franchise is Available for Pre-order Today Along With A Limited Edition From NIS America!...
For frequent travelers to Europe, it is frustrating to see the increasingly different urban conditions on the other side of the Atlantic.
Though going to college isn't necessary to build a successful business, it can teach young individuals a lot about the world in many other ways. And these famous college dropouts are the exception rather than the norm. College may not be for everyone and the choice is personal, but it is...
Fourth wall, in theatre, television, film, and other works of fiction, is a convention that imagines a wall existing between actors and their audience. 第四堵墙,在戏剧、电视、电影和其他虚构作品中,是指在传统三壁镜框式舞台中,在演员与观...
Monetarism is a macroeconomic theory, which states that governments can foster economic stability by targeting the growth rate of the money supply.
落日间链接:Adam Chapman 什么是历史游戏研究?What is Historical Game Studies? (2016) 译按 从废稿箱刨出这篇2020年的旧作,令人思绪万千。三年前,我从清华历史系博士毕业,带着一篇在答辩仪式上几乎吵起来,既「史入游戏」又试图「游戏入史」的奇特论文前往北师大一个迥然不同的学科就职。那之前,我们还幸运地邀...
On the new journey, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, is undoubtedly the core figure in charting the course of history. "We must always keep a long-term perspective, remain mindful of potential risks, ...
The termcrowdfundingis used when the crowd finances crowdsourcing projects or the development of new products. The crowd can sponsor projects via special platforms; in this case, special emphasis is placed on the non-material aspect. However, crowdfunding is also used as a means of preliminary fin...
What is the OODA loop? The OODA loop -- Observe, Orient, Decide and Act -- is a four-step approach todecision-makingthat focuses on filtering available information, putting it in context and quickly making the most appropriate decision, while also understanding that changes can be made as mo...