the information provided by the 2020 Census.China has experienced"compressed"population change,and population aging will continue to advance,meanwhile the size of the population is expected to reach its peak in the near future.To prepare proper response to the challenges proactively,institutional change...
The median home value in the city of Boston, according to Zillow, is nearly $597,000 as of the end of October 2019, and is expected to inch up by 2.3% in 2020. At the same time, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that homeowners pay a median of nearly $2,400 per month in mortga...
Census 2020 –Please be sure to complete the census survey! It can be done online by visiting We are currently at 67% registered in Somers, we need 100%. Remember to support the Somers Food Pantry at St. Luke’s Church. This food pantry has been a vital ...
What’s the average age of Chinese people? How many children does a typical Chinese family have? To answer these questions, China made its seventh national census (人口普查) in 2020. China makes the national census every 10 years. The government (政府) can use the data to make policies. ...
Census Bureau. A slight majority (51.3%) of South Carolinians are female, and 19.1% are 65 and older. More than a fifth (21.2%) of its population is under 18. The state has a little over 3.4 million registered voters, and the split between registered Democrats (44.98%) and Republicans ...
Workpath, the only dispatch platform for mobile healthcare services, is helping immunocompromised and vulnerable populations receive regular medical care during the pandemic: “Since the first case of COVID-19 in the US was confirmed in January Workpath’s appointment volume has surged 94%.” We...
The state is majority-minority, meaning white residents who don’t identify as Hispanic or Latino make up 45.7% of the approximately 3.2 million total population, according to 2023 Census Bureau estimates. The next-largest shares are Hispanic or Latino (30.3%), Black or African American (10.8%...
Another big difference is that the SSA collects individual wage information and the Census estimates household income, so it is not accurate to compare them with one another. (We used U.S. Census data when looking at average net worth of Americans) We’re going to look at the Social ...
Census figures across the board show that wages are on the rise—a sign that the economic recovery is starting to benefit Middle America. While that’s good news for workers in the U.S., it’s clear that large gulfs continue to exist between genders and races. ...
California would be the world's fifth-largest economy between Germany and India, if it were an independent country.12According to the Census Bureau, the state was home to 39.2 million people as of the most recent data.13Cultural issues, while more muted, have featured in independence rhetoric...