The presence of unique bone protrusions in the fossil has led scientists to suspect it could be a completely new species. But the lack of comparable body parts in the fossil record of other terror bird species means that definitively announcing the La Venta find as a completely new type of ...
How to Thaw Food One of the most common examples of time temperature abuse in a kitchen is defrosting food incorrectly. It can be tempting to leave food out on the counter to thaw or run it under hot water, but these put your foods at risk of entering the danger zone. Use the followi...
it is active. If gas bubbles stop appearing before the fermented fruit has reached a desirable stage, then either sugar or fresh yeast should be added to the mixture to restart the process. After the fruit has reached a flavor level that is desired, it can be stored in a refrigerator for...
Since terrazzo flooring is typically found indoors, it does not face the same elements of freeze/thaw, snow removal, and vehicular traffic that epoxy overlay streetscapes may be exposed to. Exposure to both natural elements and human traffic can play a significant role in the breakdown of a ...
Use a space heater, heat lamp, or hair dryer to thaw the frozen length of pipe. Wrapping freezing pipes with thermostatically controlled heat tape (from $50 to $200, depending on length) is also an effective way to quickly thaw a trouble spot. Don't thaw pipes using a propane torch, ...
Prana literally means your kinetic energy. Foods that increase prana include anything and everything green, but especially tender young greens and chlorophyll rich foods like spirulina. The most vital way to get prana is by foraging for wild spring ephemerals such as creasy greens and chickweed, ...
A crypto winter, for the record, is a fairly loose term. It’s often used the same way “bear market” refers to a decline in stock values. But unlike bear markets, which have to meet specific parameters to be called that, a crypto winter broadly just means a period of lower cryptocur...
1. Thaw the Turkey Thawing a turkey properlyis crucial to avoid harmful bacteria growth and ensure even cooking. The safest way to defrost a turkey is in the refrigerator. You will need to plan for approximately 24 hours for every 4-5 pounds of turkey. Place the turkey on a tray or in...
The seed used by Perl's hash function is now random. This means that the order which keys/values will be returned from functions like "keys()", "values()", and "each()" will differ from run to run. This change was introduced to make Perl's hashes more robust to algorithmic comple...