S$ 2.98 Screenshots iPad iPhone Description This interactive game develops auditory discrimination and processing skills in young learners. Players will improve their skills by matching objects and their associated sounds. Simple auditory processing skills lay the foundation for learning how to read, speak...
歌曲名《不明之声 What Is That Sound》,由 eigenTunes亦听 演唱,收录于《《我的三体》第二季罗辑传OST》专辑中,《不明之声 What Is That Sound》下载,《不明之声 What Is That Sound》在线试听,更多不明之声 What Is That Sound相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
She heard the sound of footsteps outside.她听见外边有脚步声。()1 My mother and I were watching scared [skead] adj. 害怕的TV that night.I was scared to death.我怕得要命。( )2 My cat came in.scary ['skeari] adj. 吓人的()3 The dog made the sound.That is scary, because we cann...
《Where Is BB?贝贝在哪里?》(完整英文绘本) 144 2018-07 7 《What Is That Sound?那是什么声音?》(律动3) 191 2018-07 8 《He's Not Here他不在这里》(律动2) 116 2018-07 9 《Why Are You Late?你为什么晚了?》(律动1) 229 2018-07 ...
Screenshots iPad iPhone Description This interactive game develops auditory discrimination and processing skills in young learners. Players will improve their skills by matching objects and their associated sounds. Simple auditory processing skills lay the foundation for learning how to read, speak and spel...
) My mother and I were watchingseared [skeod] a.害怕的TV that night.I was scared to death.我怕得要命)2 My cat came in.scary['skeori] ad五.吓人的)3 The dog made the sound.That is scary, because we cannot besure about changes in the future.那)4 When I heard a loud noise, ...
欢迎收听由主播k2fllf4uuif7m8aced6t为您带来的“二年级春季unit8绘本:What’s that sound”精彩有声内容,该音频时长2分28秒,已被收听34次。为您推荐更多相关的音频“二年级春季unit8单词句型自然拼读”、“二年级春季unit8课文背诵”,下载喜马拉雅APP,收听更多精彩!
Did you hear that? This sing-along is also a fun listening game! Keep your ears open as we sing along, Caitie is going to lead us through some fun songs filled with interesting sounds! This sing-along includes the songs What Do You Hear?, Walking In The Jungle, The Animals On The ...
My mother and I were watchingscared [skeod] adj.害怕的TV that night.I was scared to death.我怕得要命。2 My cat came in.scary ['skeori] adj.吓人的)3 The dog made the sound.That is scary, because we cannot besure about changes in the future.那)4 When I heard a loud noise, I...