What is methane used for? Methane: Methane is a chemical compound with the formula CH4, which means it is composed of carbon and hydrogen. Methane is non-metallic, odorless, and colorless, and is usually found as a gas. Answer and Explanation:1 ...
if you are attempting to estimate or compare monthly payments based on a given set of factors, such as loan amount and interest rate, then you may need to calculate the monthly payment as well. If you need to calculate the total monthly payment for any reason, the formula is as follows:...
Capsaicin, also known as chili pepper extract, is an organic compound with the molecular formula C18H27NO3. It exists in peppers (Capsicum annuum) and their variants in the Solanaceae family. It crystallizes from petroleum ether as monoclinic crystals or rectangular flakes. It has maximum UV abso...
OC spray, composed of oleoresin capsicum extracted from chili peppers, is a more potent and natural irritant compared to tear gas, which is usually formulated with chemicals such as CS (2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile) or CN (chloroacetophenone). While OC spray primarily affects the eyes, causing i...
You’ll notice that certain things don’t appear on this list. That is because they are allowed. For example,breast milk, formula, and baby food are permitted on board and do not need to comply with the 3-1-1 restrictions. In addition, items like frozen meat, seafood, ice cream, and...
It would tear down community and make it so that people who really need it have to suffer. Didn’t anyone teach about sharing, sure there are always the few who abuse it but it is still a necessary program to have in this country. The government needs to care for all people so we ...
Your breast is smooth, with no wrinkles or dimples where your baby is latched on.What do I need to know about feeding my baby formula?Ask your baby's pediatrician which formula to feed your newborn. Your newborn may need formula that contains iron. The different types of formulas include...
Clear PVC pipe is a specialized type of plastic tubing that merges the inherent benefits of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with the added advantage of transparency.
Not all corn is popcorn, and some of it would not pop if you heated it up. Popcorn is a very ancient food. The oldest known popcorn was found in a New Mexico cave; it is believed to be about 5,600 years old. Corn:Corn is a species of cereal grain that was first cultivated ...
Life is the dearest. 潜在语气 qiánzài yǔqì n. 〈lg.〉 potential mood 气疤qìbā n. body scab 气霸qìbà* n. individual/unit that monopolizes gas supplies and makes things difficult for consumers 气瓣qìbàn* n. air valve 气胞qìbāo n. 〈phys.〉 gas vacuole 气爆qìbào n. gas ...