@nomadatlatlok thank you! I heard this in my audio lesson so I could not tell the difference...
①と②は同じです。 ③は少し不自然かもしれません。「もとにする」とは「参考にする」という意味です。 例「この事例をもとにして、改善する」
Note that the translation of what I said is “Can I bring a friend?”. Also, I’m not good with kanjis yet, so I’m writing in hiragana and katakana for now. AI_monga 5月27日 In Japanese, the verb "連れてくる" (tsurete kuru) means "to bring someone/something." In the senten...
What does 戻してもらう in the above sentence literally mean? What does もらう in 戻してもらう mean, to be grateful or to receive? If ~てもらう here simply means to be grateful, who feels grateful, 大阪市 or 会社? If it is to receive, who is to receive?
Iku (行く) Meaning: Go Romaji: Iku Hiragana: いく Katakana: イク Kanji: 行く Iku is "Go" in English and means to proceed, move, or walk towards a destination. Iku-Iku is also used in everyday conversation. For example, are you coming to the party today?
Daisuki” can also be written in hiragana, like this: だいすき How to pronounce “Daisuki” in Japanese? Daisuki is pronounced in Japanese as follows: What does “daisuki desu” mean? The phrase “Daisuki desu” is simply the formal full-sentence version of the word “Daisuki.” Depending...
Writing Japanese: What is Kanji, Hiragana and KatakanaPhilip Nicosia
三人称視点 = さんにんしょうしてん 二人称視点 = ににんしょうしてん 一人称視点 = いちにんしょうしてん
is it correct? how to use it without masu? te form + past present negation etc? 은 무슨 뜻인가요? Yuuuu_Jp_11 1 9월 2020 일본어 It is wrong. What is masu? 이 답변이 도움이 되었습니까?