• If the brush is not clean, you can pull out the filter washed separately. • Reconnect, turn on the tap. NNoottee!! •••••• IIRRIRfffeeetttcchhchooeeoennnbbnnbnrreeruueuccsscstthht,,h,ttiitiuussusrrnnrnnnnooooottotnnccncllttleetehhhaaaeeennntt,,t,aayyayppoopo.....
Is this the way to(去)the station? 2. 增译:根据上下文翻译时增加词语,使意思更完整,清晰。 Can you recommend me some books on(有关)English learning? Something wrong with his lung. It is the smoke to(影响)the lungs. 3. 分译:介词短语可拆成另一个句子进行翻译。 Without his help,(如果没...
2. Di2st. iDnigsutiinsghuiinsghiBngaBndanCd VCeVrteircteicses The structural studies we have performed on the isomers of [CpCoC2B9H11] highlight an Timhpeosrttarnutctpuorianlt—stsuindcieesthwe iesohmaevres apreerdfoisrtmingeudisohnedthonelyisboymtehrespoofsit[iConpsCoofCt2hBe9{HBH11...