a judgment is effective for 20 years and accrues 9% interest annually. It can be collected through wage garnishment, asset seizure such as a restraint on bank accounts, and by placing a lien against the consumer's real property."
Trying to rise above that noise is like trying to find a friend on the other side of a Taylor Swift concert just by shouting their name. Looking at the numbers of how would-be customers engage with text messages, it's no wonder why so many businesses choose to send SMS messages to ...
With 602 million active users worldwide, Spotify is the world's largest and most popular music streaming service. But thanks to Spotify Connect – arguably the streaming world's most important feature – you're no longer restricted to listening to its catalogue solely through your phone or deskt...
But it’s quite a simplistic and safe sound – not one we would call exciting or enthralling. It’s also very congested and there’s a real lack of spaciousness. Rivals draw a clearer distinction between the saxophone line, the claps, the drums and Swift's vocal. Through the Sonos Ace,...