Hi there, Today at 1544UTC with game ID 0GL6 at Customs we "SARP" and "kol9sik" spawn at OR around Passage Between Rocks although we did not teamup. I was BEAR and so think he was PMC. It took seconds to kill me after just spawned. I also reported him as
It is no secret that BSG want to include diffirent faction in tarkov. So far we got BEAR, USEC, SCAVS and ROGUES. I am not 100% sure of my source, but I heard they want player in tarkov to have a BEAR account and a USEC account. The goal woud be that like scav you don't ...
The problem with Tarkov is when you do die from a cheater after spending at least an hour to get in a match, loot, survive and extract it really... Evilwayz May 26, 2021 @TarkovCitizen4431498 @sherifu @davidj123456 You three must just be the ...