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$\tan \left( {{270}^{\circ }}+{{0}^{\circ }} \right)=\dfrac{-1}{0}$ , which is N.D. or undefined. Now, to check whether the value is $+\infty \text{ or }-\infty $ , we should use the graph of $y=\tan \left( x \right)\text{ at }x={{270}^{\c...
First, an auto-correlationRηof a 322-km2tile of ASTER topographyη(λ, ϕ) (whereλis longitude andϕis latitude) is created using FFT (blue-red shaded fields in Supplementary Fig.S1f&n). The two largest modes are omitted so that any broad, non-dune slopes in the topography do ...
Instead, he advocated taking the engineering professions “back to science:” replacing what he saw as narrow practical skills with the abstract tools of statistics and physics.Footnote 2 On index cards outlining his oft-repeated statements on the subject, he wrote: “My thesis is that all ...
notation, i.e.,\({[X]}=\log {X_{\mathrm{star}}} -\log {X_\odot }\)for any abundance quantity X, and\(\log {\epsilon (X)} = \log {N_{{X}}/N_{\mathrm{H}}} + 12.0\)for absolute number density abundances. For helium, we use Y, that is the fraction of He in ...
The arctangent is the inverse tangent function. Since tan 1.107 = tan 63.435º = 2 The arctangent of 2 is equal to the inverse tangent function of 2, which is equal to 1.107 radians or 63.435 degrees: arctan 2 = tan-12 = 1.107 rad = 63.435º...
Danstansays: My North star is to work with the wine industry in Tanzania as a winemaker to produce the best quality wines for the world which will boost the economy and improve the life standard of people through out the grape value chain and introduce Tanzania as a wine producing country ...
At the turn of the nineteenth century (1899–1901), a crisis developed in classical physics. Physicists had to deal with a very big puzzle: In some experiments such as interference and diffraction, light behaved as waves. However, in other experiments, such as the photo- electric effect, ...
In some disciplines such as Condensed Matter Physics, Applied Mathematics, or Crystallography and Electrochemistry, Chinese scholars even give up publishing papers in local Chinese journals (Shu et al. 2019). Some Chinese scholars argue that publishing internationally prevents knowledge dissemination through...
2Kimika Fakultatea, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea UPV/EHU, and Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), P.K. 1072, 20080 Donostia, Euskadi, Spain. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to C.E. (email: c.exley@ keele.ac.uk) Scientific Reports | 6:30913 | DOI:...