By Meaning DIV Tag Stands for Division, It's Block Level Element, and is Known as Non sementic tag, the philosophy behind this tag is simple "Divide the Web Page" Thank you 14th Aug 2019, 4:16 AM Hamad 0 You can divide your code in different blocks using <div> for ease of accessin...
Does the target attribute in the HTML <a> tag have values other than _blank<a>? Absolutely. Apart from _blank, which opens the linked document in a new window or tab, there are other values you can use. _self opens the link in the same frame (this is the default behavior), _paren...
Many people use the terms tag and element interchangeably, and any web designer or developer you speak with would understand what you meant, but the reality is that there is a slight difference between the two terms. HTML Tags HTML is amarkup language, which means that it is written with c...
no, you should have only one <main> tag per html document. the purpose of this tag is to encapsulate the primary content of the page, so having multiple instances would confuse browsers and developers alike. how does <main> differ from <article> or <section> in html structure? while <...
The <meta> tag provides metadata about the HTML document. Metadata will not be displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable. Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document, last modified, and other metadata. ...
<h1>This is a Heading</h1> Start tagElement contentEnd tag <h1> This is a Heading </h1> <p> This is paragraph. </p>HTML AttributesHTML elements can have attributes Attributes provide additional information about the element Attributes come in name/value pairs like charset="utf-8"...
In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the HTML span element. You’ll learn how the element is written, how to use it, and even give some examples of the HTML span tag. Lastly, you’ll also discover the difference between span an...
Discover the different types of HTML tags:Title tag,Meta description tag,HN tag,ALT tag. AT Internet’s added value How we’re changing the analytics game Find out how AT Internet will empower you to skyrocket your acquisition, conversion and retention rates. Our advanced and powerful solution...
In the above examplesrcinside the<img>tag is an attribute and image path provided is its value. Similarlyhrefinside the<a>tag is an attribute and the link provided is its value, and so on. Tip:Both single and double quotes can be used to quote attribute values. However, double quotes ...
An H1 tag is the HTML used to create the main title on a webpage and helps indicate the page’s primary topic to visitors and search engines. It contains an opening <h1> tag, the title text, and a closing </h1> tag. Here’s an example of an H1 tag in HTML and on the live...