Adding too much ethidium on your gel can causea lot of background fluorescence when visualising as well. Note that the SYBR Gold emission spectra is different from Ethidium Bromide as well so you might need a different filter on your imaging dock to see SYBR Gold-stained samples. What color ...
DNA Dyes.Ethidium bromide(EB), GoldView type I/II dyes, GelRed and GelGreen,SYBR Green, SYBR Gold and SYBR Safe. Gel Recovery Kits.It is mainly used to recover DNA of different lengths from various agarose gels, and the recovery of DNA from gels can be accomplished in 15-30 minutes wi...
What Makes You Beautiful is the first song by One Direction in the series. What Makes You Beautiful is one of the few songs in Just Dance 4 where the Dance Quests do not call for a Dance Style, along with Call Me Maybe (on the Nintendo Wii) as well as Good Feeling. In Just Dance...
What is the difference between an antipressor and a pressor agent? Why does SybrTM Safe (an intercalating agent) fluoresce upon UV exposure? Why does it fluoresce only when it is intercalated? Describe the condition which makes oxygen toxic. What are bacteriostatic agents and bactericidal ag...
E-Gel 预制凝胶使用安全的 SYBR Safe 或 SYBR Gold 染料,且为封闭式设计,电泳过程中不会接触到有害的化学物质。此外使用蓝光进行观察,可避免实验人员或者样本暴露于有害的紫外光下。提高核酸电泳的安全性! 成像复杂,一不小心就「功亏一篑」? Invitrogen™ E-Gel™ Power Snap Plus 核酸电泳系统将核酸电泳与...