SAP/Sybase ASEDatabase => Schemadbo SAP HANADatabase => Scheman/a VerticaDatabase => Schemapublic IBM InformixDatabase => Scheman/a A few meanings1. Data model2. Database implementation3. Namespace (element of SQL) Document your data ...
The DBMS is usually run by a database administrator, or DBA, who is a specialist in the specific software product. An expert in Oracle, for example, wouldn't normally run a Microsoft SQL Server unless she had experience in both systems. The DBA instructs the system using commands to load...
SAP/Sybase ASENoSystem Tables (sys) SAP HANANoSystem Views (sys schema) VerticaNoSystem Tables (v_catalog schema) IBM InformixYesSystem Catalog Table ("informix".sys) SQLiteNoSystem Table (sqlite_master) FirebirdNoSystem Tables (names begin with RDB$) ...
Support for new databases and database versions: Informix 11.70, PostgreSQL versions 9.0.10/9.1.6/9.2.1, MySQL 5.5.28, IBM DB2 versions 9.5/9.7/10.1, SQL Server 2012, Sybase ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise) 15/15.7, and Access 2010/2013 ...
Preliminary support for new databases and database versions: Informix 11.70, PostgreSQL versions 9.0.10/9.1.6/9.2.1, MySQL 5.5.28, IBM DB2 versions 9.5/9.7/10.1, SQL Server 2012, Sybase ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise) 15/15.7, and Access 2010/2013 ...
Formerly available in the Migration Workbench, Oracle SQL Developer is now the primary migration platform for moving your 3rd Party databases to Oracle Database. Users can connect to Access, SQL Server, Sybase ASE, DB2, or Teradata and walk a wizard-driven process to move their objects, data,...
SAP ASE (Sybase) database backup on Azure VMs (preview) - About SAP ASE (Sybase) database backup on Azure VMs (preview) Why use Azure Backup? Azure Backup delivers these key benefits: Offload on-premises backup: Azure Backup offers a simple solution for backing up your on-premises resource...
Formerly available in the Migration Workbench, Oracle SQL Developer is now the primary migration platform for moving your 3rd Party databases to Oracle Database. Users can connect to Access, SQL Server, Sybase ASE, DB2, or Teradata and walk a wizard-driven process to move their objects, data,...
Databases: ODBC, Oracle, DB2, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, HP Neoview, Informix, Sybase ASE, Sybase IQ, SAP HANA, Netezza, Data Federator, Teradata.SAP HANA to Snowflake (2 Easy Ways) Oracle ApplicationsHow to Migrate Data from SAP Oracle to HANA ...
Monitor the availability and performance of your Sybase (SAP ASE) servers with the new plugin integration. With the plugin, you can optimize database performance, minimize downtime, ensure a seamless user experience, and improve resource management by efficiently allocating and managing resources to ...