SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear All, Please let me know what does it means by sy-subrc values for 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8 means. I only know that , sy-subrc = 0 is when u get value (when ur statement is true) and sy-subrc = 4 is when u dont get value (when ur...
Applying OPEN DATASET to a file already opened - in the same internal mode - triggers an exception of the type CX_SY_FILE_OPEN. The Return Code is set as follows: SY-SUBRC = 0: The file was opened. SY-SUBRC = 8: The file could not be opened. Example DATA: dsn(20) ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi Lisa, first of all you have to add the following lines (before the FM is called to create the table): ls_dd02v-tabclass = 'TRANSP'. this will create a transparent table. but there could be more errors, you just have to debug the FM if it ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development HI, 2 internal fields are same then appending lines of i_tab1 to i_tab2. if fields are not same loop at i_tab1 v_tabix = sy-tabix. read table i_tab3 with key <key fields of i_tab1> if sy-subrc eq 0. move corresponding fields i_tab1 to...
A BADI is a Business Add-in - one of SAP's methods of implementing a user-exit or change to standard SAP code. BADI's are ABAP object based changes instead of the more common subroutines/function modules. To implement BADI, Follow the below steps to find out what all BADI's are ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development 1. The user exit is a point in a SAP program where a customer’s own program can be called. On upgrade, each user exit must be checked to ensure that it conforms to the standard system. 2. How to find user exits and to implement. Display the pro...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi Bill of material form an important component of the Production Planning SAP PP module. In many SAP interviews candidates are asked to explain the concept of Bill of material. discussing the same below. What is a Bill of Material BOM in the SAP Productio...
b)It is possible to have a smartform without a main window . c)Labels cannot be created in smartforms. d)Routines can be written in smartforms tool. e)Smartforms generates a function module when activated. Contributed by :SAP ABAP/4 Programming, Basis Administration, Configuration Hints and Ti...
Fldate1-high = sy-datum. Append fldate1. * Here appending is required because fldate1 is int’ table This event is triggered when you execute your program for the first time i.e., before selection screen is displayed. AT SELECTION-SCREEN When user enters the values in the fields of ...
129 '/', 130(3) SY-MANDT. ULINE. SKIP. regards. sowjanya.b Reply Former Member Options 2008 Apr 026:27 AM 0Kudos 457 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, ABAP Extensibility Hi Venkatesh, To find out the type of an parameter simply double-click on its "Associated Type". IMPORTING an...