在使用電匯進行匯款時,您必須提供用於識別收款銀行的 SWIFT Code ,另需要提供支帳戶口號碼、匯款貨幣及金額,以及收款人戶口號或 IBAN (International Bank Account Number) 等資料,以確保交易指示能准確完成。 香港常見銀行的 SWIFT Code 列表 銀行SWIFT Code 中信銀行(國際) KWHKHKHH 香港上海滙豐銀行 HSBCHKHH ...
SWIFT-MT799 will be sent to your designated bank coordinate, HSBC (HK) on 3rd June, 20 我是由我们的银行工作人员通知的根据交易编码证实协议:签字在我们之间的TIGER30在2014年6月3日记录了与CITIBANK新加坡, Esplanade分支和进一步证实银行确认信通过SWIFT-MT799将被送到您选定的 (银行) 座标, HSBC HK。
aninternationalwire transfermust be made. These payments require routing or the Society for Worldwide Interbank FinancialTelecommunication(SWIFT) code. It usually takes twobusiness daysto carry out an internationalmoney transfer. One of the most significant benefits of awire transferis that it’...
A multi-currency account is a type of account that offers individuals and businesses to manage multiple currencies using a single bank account key details, such as beneficiary name, account number, and SWIFT code. How do multi-currency accounts work? What are the benefits of a multi-currency ...