35. swapcase() Inverts case for all letters in the string. 36. title() Returns "titlecased" version of the string, that is, all words begin with uppercase and the rest are lowercase. 37. translate(table, deletechars="") Translates string according to translation table str(256 chars), ...
Python has a very neat function for breaking up strings into smaller strings. The split function splits a single string into a string array using the separator defined. If no separator is defined, whitespace is used. x = 'blue,red,green' ...
referenceQuery/FileReference.getReferenceEdits: if only one of successfulEdits/failedEdits is given, and it is false, we now assume that the desire is to return the other type (and set that flag to true); formerly, this would result in NO edits being returned parent no longer raises an e...
referenceQuery/FileReference.getReferenceEdits: if only one of successfulEdits/failedEdits is given, and it is false, we now assume that the desire is to return the other type (and set that flag to true); formerly, this would result in NO edits being returned parent no longer raises an e...