Following international practices and debt sustainability principles, it is working to create a long-term, stable, sustainable and risk-controlled investment and financing system with innovative models and diverse channels in order to establish a stable, transparent and high-quality funding guarantee syste...
There is a lot of opportunity for sustainable construction. Sustainability is now more accessible than ever and worth the initial investment. Sustainability is a viable investment with a measurable ROI, not a mere PR stunt. The benefits of sustainable construction are divided into environmental, socia...
Sustainable development, which includes construction, is defined as development that meets the needs of society without compromising the needs of future generations to meet their needs. Sustainability is a science that studies the relationship between the environment, society, and the economy. Sustainabili...
At the same time, designing for sustainability has become an essential element in architecture and construction. The increasing demand for sustainable office buildings has empowered the industry to create more sustainable projects. A great example is the growing Passivhaus movement, which raises important...
. This construction utilizes resources such as employees, money, and materials, affecting both short and long-term perspectives. Architects play a role in resource optimization, being frugal with materials and aligning the purposes of involved employees to enhance both efficiency and sustainability....
What is sustainability in operations management? What is sustainable environmental management? What is hedonistic sustainability? What is rural sustainability? What are some environmental sustainability examples? What is environmental sustainability in construction?
What is Sustainability and Sustainable Development? It’s been often stated that, “Sustainable urban development is one of the most pressing challenges facing the human community in the 21st century.” The United NationsBrundtland Commission’s definition of sustainability is“meeting the needs of the...
It is expected that the world's infrastructure development will drastically increase in a few decades. In order to realize the sustainability of concrete-construction industry, therefore, the efficiency of resources and energy should be enhanced. What shall we do for that? Firstly, we need to ...
This paper presents various aspects of the sustainable infrastructure development that is mandatory for civil engineers to promote or even be a leader in pioneering its implementation, particularly in concrete production and construction that is the topic of this paper. It can be a wide range of ...
What is Sustainable Construction? What Are the Different Types of Sustainable Housing? Discussion Comments ByGlasshouse— On Jun 16, 2010 @ Babalaas - You make a good point about the sustainability of mineral resources, and you have an intriguing perspective on the role of sustainability in curren...