由于供应链通常远非线性,因此它们并非真正意义上的链。相反,它们是由供应商、承运商以及参与零部件和货物的生产、存储和交付的其他合作伙伴组成的复杂、相互交织的网络。例如,特斯拉生产Model S所需的2,000个零部件中,300多家供应商为其提供服务。苹果公司披露了其200家供应商的名单,这些供应商占其材料支出的98...
供应链弹性是指通过灵活的应变计划和预测,从材料采购到物流,再到产品和服务的最终交付,对运营中断做出快速反应并恢复到正常水平的能力。这意味着企业要有能力减轻大多数供应链中断,并大大限制已发生中断的影响。 运营风险和中断会威胁到供应链的多个领域,并最终威胁到企业的恢复能力。正如我们在特殊时期中看到的那样,全...
供应链弹性是指通过灵活的应变计划和预测,从材料采购到物流,再到产品和服务的最终交付,对运营中断做出快速反应并恢复到正常水平的能力。这意味着企业要有能力减轻大多数供应链中断,并大大限制已发生中断的影响。 运营风险和中断会威胁到供应链的多个领域,并最终威胁到企业的恢复能力。正如我们在特殊时期中看到的那样,全...
2. What is Supply Chain Management? 什么是供应链管理? 3. What is an Agile Supply Chain? 什么是敏捷供应链? 4. How to Make an Effective Supply Chain? 什么是效率供应链? 5. What is Supply Chain Forecasting? 什么是供应链预测? 6. What is Aggregate Planning? 什么是综合计划? 7. What is S...
A supply chain is dynamic and involves the constant flow of information, product, and funds between different stages. In our example, Wal-Mart provides the product, as well as pricing and availability information, to the customer. The customer transfers funds to Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart conveys ...
What is Supply Chain Management? 供应链管理的本质就是建立信任,把链条上的相关方,通过建议一套有效的组织体系,增加互信,减少沟通成本,提升交易效率,打破内卷。 是企业不可取代的核心竞争力。 供应链管理是物流、采购管理、工商管理、市场营销管理、电子商务等多个学科的基础上发展起来的新型学科。
A supply chainis made up of interconnected parts of a whole, all of which add up to finished products bought by customers. Take automobiles, for example. Before a consumer buys a car, iron ore is extracted from the earth. The ore is transported to a plant, where it’s turned into stee...
supply chain encompasses everything from the delivery of source materials from the supplier to the manufacturer through to its eventual delivery to the end user. The supply chain segment involved with getting the finished product from the manufacturer to the consumer is known as thedistribution ...
What is a supply chain?Gerhard PlenertReinventing Lean
Home›Business Management›What is a Supply Chain? Definition:A supply chain consists of the flow of goods, services, or information from the original supplier to the to end user or customer across organizations and industries. In other words, it’s the list of steps and processes involved...