Supernovae are divided into two basic physical types, Ia and II. Type Ia is caused by thermal runaway, and type II supernovae are caused by core collapse. Because the supernova "family tree" was laid out according to the light from supernovae, not their cause, there's technically also...
What Are Supernovae? A supernova is the colossal explosion of a star. Scientists have identified several types of supernova. One type, called a “core-collapse” supernova, occurs in the last stage in the life of massive stars that are at least eight times larger than our Sun. As these...
A supernova is the explosion of a massive star. There are many different types of supernovae, but they can be broadly separated into two main types: thermonuclear runaway or core-collapse. This first type happens in binary star systems where at least one star is a white dwarf, and they...
LED lights are made from layers of semiconductor material (e.g., Gallium nitride or Indium gallium nitride) arranged in a particular fashion. When enough of a voltage difference is applied to this material, electrons are injected into the “n-type” side of the LED, whileholes of electronsar...
We show that the progenitors of Type Ib supernovae are likely to be moderately massive stars (M 7 M) in binary systems and we argue that the hypothesis that they originate from very massive stars (M > 20 M) is untenable both on an observational and a statistical basis....
Silicon is a primordial element, created during the Big Bang or by nuclear fusion during a supernova. It's the eighth most abundant element in the observable Universe, but the third most abundant on Earth. As a little scientific bonus, all this silicon indicates that Earth and the other ...
Beyond discoveries, Keck Observatory is making strides in optimizing technical and logistical infrastructure to better observe transient celestial events (like supernovae and gamma-ray bursts) and more efficiently respond to these phenomena. If you're interested in learning more about strange cosmic bodi...
, allowing it to capture more expansive images of the universe. This will allow scientists to map how matter is structured and spread across the universe and explore how dark energy behaves and has changed over time. Roman will also conduct an additional survey to detect Type Ia supernovae...
What Is the Steady State Theory of the Universe? What Is a Pair-Instability Supernova or a PISN? What Is an Electron-Capture Supernova? What Is Stellar Nucleosynthesis via Nuclear Fusion?
We know because that distinctive radiation signature is present, and we know that there aren’t enough supernovae to explain the radiation.The only other possibility is that we are seeing the result of shock waves produced by the collision of these two galaxies. ...