While maltodextrin may not be a sugar, it is very similar to sugar in the way that it can cause blood sugar levels to peak, mainly due to its high GI value, which is significantly higher than sugar’s GI value. What’s more, while it may not be a gluten, it may contain gluten if...
Food intolerances are commonly linked to irritable bowel syndrome, but as scientists from the Nutrition Journal point out, there’s no conclusive evidence that this is the case. The three most common food intolerances are lactose intolerance (a type of sugar found in dairy products), casein ...
Lactose intolerance is the inability of an individual to digest lactose, a carbohydrate found in milk. Lactose intolerance can be congenital (present from birth) or acquired as an individual weans and matures. Key Terms and VocabularyLactose: This...
The best-known form of gluten intolerance is celiac disease, which affects between 0.5% and 1% of people around the world, according to the Up to Date, an evidence-based clinical resource. When someone with celiac disease consumes gluten, it triggers an immune response, including inflammation,...
Screening may be done 4 to 12 weeks after your baby is born. This is to check if you have developed diabetes, problems with your fasting glucose levels, or glucose intolerance. You may need other tests or treatment if you have any of these. Testing may be repeated every 1 to 3 years ...
Maltodextrin is a polysaccharide, meaning it’s a starch that’s broken down into many sugar molecules. It’s produced to have a sugar content of 20% or less, which is why it’s in so many diet products like nutrition bars, meal shakes, and artificial sweeteners like Splenda. But it’...
My name is Merete Askim, and I am a College Lecturer at the Department of Food Science, Soer-Tronedelag College, Trondheim, Norway. In my teaching in nutrition and food chemistry, I am very interested in food allergy and intolerance. My students get jobs as food technologists, so it is ...
What foods turn into sugar in your body? Explain the pathways of carbohydrate absorption. What are the negatives of most popular diets? What defines something as: a. Fat-free, b. Low fat, and c. Reduced fat? What is the synthetic protein?
Lactose intolerance is characterized by a number of symptoms, which could include abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence and/or diarrhea, that may happen after some people eat or drink dairy. If the symptoms take place because of an inability to break down the milk sugar (lactose), then they’...
Another common test is an oral glucose tolerance test, which involves drinking a sugary solution and then having blood samples taken at regular intervals to measure blood sugar levels. Can carbohydrate intolerance be treated or managed? Carbohydrate intolerance can be effectively managed with dietary ...