I'm sorry I made you so nervous. The issue with the sudo command is that it lets you delete files that are normally protected and there are some file that if you delete, your whole computer won't work. Instructions form apple.com sites are pretty trusted. Hackers aren't really the wor...
Su is a command-line utility and stands forswitch userorsubstitute user. Like sudo, the utility enables a user to run commands under a different account. However, sudo has some important advantages over su. The sudo command enabling a standard user to create another user account. How does th...
sudo service tomee4 start|stop|restart|status sudo service httpd start|stop|restart|status what codes does the sudo do when you execute it? actually, sudo command is only a tool with which you can get some specific previleges to execute the specific command, you can understand above commands...
What is the sudo command string to create a bootable usb drive for Sierra ? 2 years ago 779 6 macOS High Sierra install USB killed I try to make bootable USB for my old macbook, but terminal does this: zsh: killed sudo --volume /Volumes/MyVolume How can I fix this problem? The...
sudo rm -rf <directory or file> Below is a breakdown of each part of the command: sudo- elevates a user's privileges to the root user. Allows removing root-owned files and directories. rm- Linux command forremoving files or directories. ...
"Su" stands for "substitute user" and is used to switch to another user, while "sudo" means "superuser do" and grants permissions to execute a command as another user.
Docker_compose_v:To check the version of docker-compose, we use this command. Docker ps:This command is used to bring out the whole process of Docker. Docker Compose.yml:This command is used to configure application services using YAML files. ...
It’s similar to using the command sudo su - <user> on a Unix-like system, allowing you to execute SQL commands as that other user. By default, when a role is a member of another role, it automatically inherits the privileges of that role. To use SET ROLE effectively, i...
In the Terminal window, enter the following command string: sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder Click enter, then input your admin password. Click enter again.” Find instructions for more operating systems here. Free Ebook: How to Use an API Everything you need to...
In order to install OpenStack, execute the following command: $ sudo snap install openstack Install dependencies In order to install all necessary dependencies, execute the following command: $ sunbeam prepare-node-script | bash -x && newgrp snap_daemon ...