Sensation seeking, social attitudes and humor appreciation in Italy Personality and Individual Differences (1994) C.A. Salmon et al. Birth order and familial sentiment: Middleborns are different Evolution and Human Behavior (1998) A. Singh-Manoux et al. Subjective social status: Its determinants an...
Socio-economic status and health in a marginalized group: the role of subjective social status among prison inmates One problem in studies of social inequality in health is that traditional socio-economic indicators are unsuitable for groups finding themselves on the out... F Christine - 《European...
Things that are subjective are open to interpretation. If you go see a movie about a jewel thief, the topic is not subjective. But whether it's a good movie or not is subjective. Subjective things depend on your own ideas and opinions:there isn't any universal truth. What is an example...
by a sense of being rooted or grounded. Also of interest is the generally favorable connotation of “depth” (as in “she’s a deep person”). In such instances, the intended antonym is not heightper se, but the lack of it (shallowness). In that respect, while upward metaphors ...
Steverink N, Lindenberg S: Which social needs are important for subjective well-being? What happens to them with aging? Psychol Aging 2006, 21:281-290.Steverink N, Lindenberg S. Which social needs are important for subjective well-being? What happens to them with aging? Psychol Aging. 2006...
Point in time security assessments are expensive, static and subjective while the number of cybercrimes is increasing in raw numbers, sophistication and impact. Security ratingsprovide real-time, non-intrusive measurement of your organization's security posture allowing your security team tocontinuously ...
In addition to income, socioeconomic status also includes other factors such as educational levels, financial security, environmental factors, and subjective perceptions of social status and class.1 What Is Socioeconomic Well Being? Socioeconomic well-being means the mix of social and economic factors...
: Modelling the influence of socioeconomic status, noise annoyance, noise sensitivity and sleeping problems on subjective health complaints and cardiovascular disease. 1.5 million people in Norway (1/3 of the population) are exposed to transport noise levels exceeding recommended values. How do people...
And we think we know just what it means: money, status, fame, and power.But take a look at the , and things start to look, thankfully, a lot more , because success is, in truth, rather more neutral and subjective than we tend to assume. It just mean...
There is a need to explore if and how constructions of the best sex differ among men from different social, cultural, national or linguistic backgrounds. Conclusions The notion of the ‘best sex life’ is complex, subjective and highly contingent upon individual circumstance and life situation. ...