status.Bornebytheverbpredicate. Theobjectistheobjectofactionorbear,oftenlocatedbehind atransitiveverborpreposition.Theobjectcanbenouns, pronouns,numeralsandnounsadjectives,infinitive,gerund, suchasobjectclauses. ThesubjectandpredicatearetwomajorcomponentsofEnglish ...
This teensy sentence is complete: I ran. I ran may be a short thought, but it has a subject (I) and a verb (ran). Nothing in the sentence demands further explanation. Another famous example of a short-but-complete sentence is “Jesus wept.” Avoiding sentence fragments not only makes ...
The noun Maria is the subject of this sentence; it tells us who is performing the action described by the sentence’s verb (played). Nouns as objects Nouns can also be objects of a transitive verb in a sentence. An object can be either a direct object (a noun that receives the action...
subject - 웃을때 올라가던 입꼬리가 잘 어울리는 그녀는 사랑스럽습니다.object - 웃을때 올라가던 입꼬리가 잘 어울리는 그녀를 사랑합니다. Show reading 查看翻译 1 like Highly-rated answerer 这个答案...
A noun or noun phrase serves as a subject complement when it follows a linking verb and provides additional information about the subject in the sentence.The subject is typically described or renamed by a subject complement. Examples: The painting wasa masterpiece. (“A masterpiece” describes ...
Do you remember that in transitive active verbs, the receiver was the direct object? I hope so! Well, guess what? Intransitive passive verbs, the receiver of the action is the subject! The ballwas kicked. The housewas demolished. Who is receiving the action in those sentences?
Anita is thinking about horses. True love exists. Every sentence must have at least one verb. At the most basic level, a sentence can consist solely of a single verb in the imperative form (e.g., “Run.”). In this example, the implied subject is “you.” Scribbr’s grammar checker...
What is a subject pronoun?Pronouns:Pronouns are a part of speech. They take the place of a noun. Pronouns not only exist in English but in a number of other languages, as well. An example of a pronoun is 'him.'Answer and Explanation: ...
8Review the grammar points.Fill in the blanks.Subject + Verb + to + Verb (for what)I went to the library study.I study hard be a doctor.I went to the bookstore buy some books.Subject+Want+to∼(forwh) I want the apple.I want eat the apple.I want be a doctor. ...
如果我不理解会怎么样? "What if someone sees me?" 如果有人看到我怎么办? "What if no one is home?" 如果没人在家会怎么样? "What if they decide to stay?" 如果他们决定留下来会怎么样? "What if it rains while we are camping?" 如果在我们露营的时候下雨了怎么办? "What if I do not fi...