白云公司库存商品采用售价金额核算法核算,2023年4月初库存商品售价总额为16.4万元,商品进销差价率为10%。本月购入商品成本总额为20万元,售价总额为23.6万元,本月销售商品收入为22万元,该企业本月销售商品的实际成本为( )万元。
Personal knowledge (with a specific subject etc.). Friend A person with whom one is vaguely or indirectly acquainted. A friend of a friend; I added him as a friend on Facebook, but I hardly know Acquaintance A state of being acquainted, or of having intimate, or more than slight or su...
(Linguistics) The word determining the grammatical category of a constituent, often establishing relations of concord or agreement (such as subject-verb agreement) with other constituents. Head Of, relating to, or intended for the head. Often used in combination Headshaking. Headwrap. Head Foremost...
/ 5hAndImAn; `hAndImAn/ n (pl -men /-men; -mZn/) person who is clever at doing household repairs, etc or who is employed to do odd jobs 善於干家庭中修修补补的活儿的人; 受雇干零碎杂活的人. hang / hAN; hAN/ v (pt, pp hung / hQN/; in senses 5 and 9 用於下述第 5 义和...
Farooq A. Kperogi
Find it. I have no idea if Underground Airlines is still in print, [it isn’t – eds.] but find it anyway.If the subject material seems too touchy, too sensitive, well, yeah, it should. But trust me when I say you’re going to get so caught up in this chase that you’re ...
Everyone is wondering, and the truth is, we don't know. We are in the embryonic stages of constitutional analysis, since it's only been four and a half years since the Supreme Court held that the ...
sound assimilation 9.___ formed by a narrowing of the air passage at some point so that the air in escaping makes a kind of hissing sound. A. A plosive B. A fricative C.An affricate D. A Lateral 10. The vowel [i:] in [fl: d] is a___ vowel. A. close front unrounded ...
thus not suitable for systematic investigation. What a linguist ought to do, according to Saussure, is to abstract langue from instances of parole, i.e. to discover the regularities governing all instances of parole and make than the subject of linguistics. The langue-parole distinction is of ...
2 (fig joc 比喻, 谑) subject that is mentioned or discussed regularly 周期性地提出来的老问题. hare / heE(r); hZr/ n 1 fast-running mammal that lives in fields, like a rabbit but larger, with long ears and a divided upper lip 野兔. Cf 参看 leveret....