subform or the controls on the parent form. Either way, I would change the declaration UpdFormPropsLoc k(sForm As String, to UpdFormPropsLoc k(frmForm as Access.Form, and then pass either Me or Me.Parent instead of trying to set the from using the form's name and the Forms collectio...
my issue is that i cant get the subform to work properly... i've tried many different ways but i am some what new to access... in the subform where is reads LOT# thats basically my SKU or unit product code... all this data along with everything in the subform is stored ...
Editing subforms takes a leap with ourcolumn freezeroll out! Similar to spreadsheets, you can now easily navigate through subform rows as the first column(s) remain frozen in edit mode. The freezing conditions ensure a top-notch end-user experience on the app. ...
We add a new public property Document.getOutputIntents() to allow access to output intents in a document. For a time being only the usage of already existing in some document output intents is supported, user can’t create OutputIntent from scratch.Copy Document document1 = new Document(...
My 'collaborator' (me, the second user I created and use in a different browser) is able to delete text but can not type any new text. What is going on? This can't be the case can it, I mean if a collaborator can not add text what use is Zoho writer. Access your files ...
Toolbars are now implemented as one piece of software across all of the Office applications. This feature is installed only once so it takes up less space on your hard disk, and less random access memory (RAM) when more than one application is in use. In addition, toolbars are now mor...
View and keep track of all the comments you've received in your version history, right from the first draft. Read more May New merge tools to power up your document merges New Feature With a list of most requested features like repeating blocks, subform-field creation, date adjustments, and...
hi everyone i seem to be in an msaccess mood this wkend. i turned down doing summer school this year to devote more time to databases but we could sure have used the money, guess who reminded me of that and who is espessoed out again. btw to those kicki
Well, at least for the most part. With more options and a redefined interface, the article editor in Zoho Desk is now better than ever! New to Zoho Social? SIGN UP FOR FREE Manage your brands on social media Access Zoho Social ...
In Racket, it is possible to define a function in the same file you are going to use it in a macro. However, you must use the special-formdefine-for-syntaxwhich puts the function into the correctphasefor a macro to use it: #lang racket ...