Use the adjective virtually to mean almost. If your economics homework is nearly complete, it is virtually done. Virtually also means in essence, orfor all intents and purposes. What does stymied mean in golf? A stymie is an obsolete rule in the sport of golf. It legislated for the situa...
What is the word debilitate mean? transitive verb. :to impair the strength of: enfeeble sailors debilitated by scurvy an economy debilitated by years of civil war. Can you have 2 genders? Some bigender individuals express two distinct personas, which may be feminine,masculine, agender, androgyne...
When this connection is stymied, we have arrested development. Many women become angry and psychotic like Styron and Murphy. Men have become detached and selfish. Both are obsessed with sex. The media makes women appear like remote goddesses but they are passionate sexual creatures that need commi...
So little of what one is threads itself through the eye of empty space faith,personal Against the Nashville Statement faith,links,medicine,music,personal Links for July 16, 2017 parenting,personal This Too Shall Pass criminal justice,politics ...
I realized that “next-door” must be some new expression that I don’t know yet, like “off the chain,” or something like that, but it means groovy. So, always willing to be vernacularly adaptive, I say, “Oh, yes, it really is!” She looks at me like I’m “special” ...
Many people contacted me weeks later saying they'd tried the program, but it was just too hard to make use of its features and that without documentation they were stymied, so they were giving up. The fact is, the documentation and on-line help situation for MC is a joke, a bad one...
In many situations, what this means is that one can obtain a refined asymptotic of the form where now fluctuates less than the original , and in particular can (in some cases) be shown to be lower order than , while is a new term that is often explicitly describable in terms of the...
In Gustave Flaubert’sMadame Bovary, the novel’s titular character longs for a life of luxury and romance — a dream that’s stymied by her marriage to a middle-class health worker. Growing more and more bored by the day, she eventually becomes listless and desperate for change. ...
It should be – it’s a factor of around 1.2 in the New York-Boston trip times, so close to a factor of 1.5 in the projected ridership, which means its value is comparable to spending $15 billion on the difference between this service (including the $5 billion for the bypass) and no...
However, it has its work cut out and is stymied by having to work with all 31 local authorities, some of whom are more proactive than others in keeping the register up to date. This does not mean that all else is rosy. A visiting expert in recent months looking at the Irish system ...