于是在2009年,Ryan正式推出了基于JavaScript语言和V8引擎的开源Web服务器项目,命名为Node.js。虽然名字很土,但是,Node第一次把JavaScript带入到后端服务器开发,加上世界上已经有无数的JavaScript开发人员,所以Node一下子就火了起来。 在Node上运行的JavaScript相比其他后端开发语言有何优势? 最大的优势是借助JavaScript天...
原文:What's New for Node.js in 2020 - David Neal Node.js在2019年走到了第十个年头,npm上面的包数量也超过了一百万. NodeJS自身的下载量也在以每年40%的速度持续增长. 而对于NodeJS最近的另一个里程碑便是它加入了OpenJS基金会, 该基金会旨在提高项目的健康度与可持续性, 同时与JavaScript社区有一个紧...
我们有一个很棒的模块工作组,有很多非常有才华的人,他们在这方面工作,我们花了很多时间去调整实现,改进工程工效,一个很好的例子是,你现在可以在你的 package.json 中定义 type 为 module,然后项目内后缀为 .js 文件就会被 Node.js 认为是 ES6 Module。这之前也是有很多人抱怨缺失的特性。就在几个星期前,11月...
REST API with Node.js is a web service architecture defining routes, handling HTTP methods, and interacting with data storage for interoperable APIs.
what is process.env.PORT || 3000 used for in Node.js? I saw this somewhere: app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000); If it is used to set 3000 as the listening port, can I use this instead? app.listen(3000); If not why? node.js express port Share Improve this question...
Node.js is an open-source runtime environment that uses JavaScript and helps in server-side programming. It’s cross platform, so it works on Windows, Linux, Unix and MacOS and it’s used by a lot of popular platforms and companies. It uses asynchronous programming - it’s non-blocking ...
The 4.12.1 Node.js driver includes a fix to a regression in monitoring logic that could cause processes to crash. New features of the 4.12 Node.js driver release include: Redefinition of the ChangeStream class as an async iterable. You can use ChangeStream instances in any context that expec...
Agreed on the $return value. It is bit confusing in the docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-triggers-bindings#using-the-function-return-type-to-return-a-single-output It talks about the value but then there is no return called.Contributor...
The Node.js team has announced the release of a new major version— Node.js 15 🎉! While a new release is always exciting, some folks are wondering what it means for them. How do the changes affect me, and what should I do before updating? What are the new features and their ...
SFU is the technology (server-side) that Leads the WebRTC communication: How to Produce (share) the stream between peers. how to Consume this stream of media in the other peers. How the topology-if I could say-that works between PRODUCERS (the ones who share the streamin...