SSears(stock symbol) SSpectacles SSickness(on overtime forms) SSine(Latin: Without) SScrap SSequential SShaman(Mic-O-Say, Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America) SDisplacement SSeaman SStokes(kinematic viscosity) SSulfur SShilling(British currency) ...
Aeya/iStock/Getty Images In math, infinity is a concept that refers to an endless quantity that's larger than every real number. The symbol for infinity resembles a sideways number eight. Students are introduced to the concept of infinity during or before middle school, but they usually don'...
The top UFO description is abright, pleasant light. One thinks of the portrayals of angels throughout centuries or art and cinema. Today, we reimagine this UFO shape asmodern artand a symbol ofcelebration. Maybe the ships that choose this portrayal really do come in peace. Filed Under:new...
But entity mapping and ticker tagging is a major challenge. Ticker tagging means assigning a company reference or brand alias back to its unique stock symbol and proper name. For example, “Verizon” needs to map back to VZ and Verizon Communications Inc. And not all references are so direct...
NLNorthern Lion Gold Corporation(Vancouver, BC, Canada; stock symbol) NLNightlight Studios(game developers) NLNIMA Library NLNorvegijos Lietuviai(Lithuanian: Norway Libraries) Copyright, All rights reserved. Suggest new definition ...
Barclays High Yield Bond ETF (Symbol: JNK) 3-Month Chart; Courtesy of On Monday, Richard Berner worried aloud at the Brookings Institution about what’s troubling the smartest guys in the room about today’s markets. Berner is the Director of the Office of Financial...
CEO to median worker pay ratios at some of Wall Street’s largest banks where greed has so famously run amok for the past quarter century. The AFL-CIO has convenientlycompiled the dataof companies that have reported, where it can be pulled up under the company’s name or stock symbol...