What is Stephen Hawking's greatest achievement? Professor Stephen Hawking had researched his whole life the basic laws governing the universe. In fact, he was the first to elaborate an equation to try tounify general relativityand quantum physics, a 'theory of everything'. This equation is call...
It is possible to have a high IQ but low EI. In fact, it is quite common. There are also individuals with high emotional intelligence and a slightly below average IQ. Intelligence Quotient or IQ IQ, on the other hand, is all about people’s mental ability, i.e., their intelligence or...
1.Stephen Hawking(IQ: 160-170) Pure genius, this astrophysicist! Is bird brain a bad word? While'birdbrain' has long been a pejorative term used to insult someone's intelligence, rooks are considered particularly smart. Soon enough, calling someone a 'birdbrain' may not be an insult but...
Many brilliant scientists, philosophers, poets, mathematicians, musicians, and chess players are known to have shot past an IQ score of even 200. Famous geniuses like Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and Ada Lovelace were estimated to have an IQ of around 160. Some of the highest IQ scores ...
Although an IQ test is an excellent method to measure intelligence, it only tests limited aspects of intelligence. It omits aspects of intelligence, such as the ability to make conversation, learn and adapt, and perform tasks that require motor skills. Considering such points, here are four ...
What type of ALS did Stephen Hawking have? What degrees does Bill Nye have? What degrees does Valerie Thomas have? What degrees and awards did Alan Shepard receive? What is computational astrophysics? What is Richard Dawkins' IQ? What is a degree C? What university did Gottfried Leibniz go ...
Why Stephen Hawking Said There Is No God Black hole in the universe NASA I believe the universe is governed by the laws of science. The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws. — Stephen Hawking ...
" is one of humanity's oldest and most profound questions. Across cultures and centuries, people have sought answers, driven by curiosity, fear, and the desire for understanding. Chris Langan, who claims to have an IQ surpassingAlbert Einsteinand ...
Who would best fit the MBTI profile of an intuitive-feeling type: the famed artist Picasso, former Federal Reserve Bank chairman Alan Greenspan, or physicist Stephen Hawking? Explain your choice. In the context of the Big Five taxonomy, the personality d...
Stephen Hawking was a genius with an IQ around 160. Ingenious Definition and Meaning Sometimes when people use genius as an adjective, they really mean ingenious. This word is spelled with an o, which is why so many people misspell genius as genious. Ingenious is an adjective that means hav...