HTTP status code 301 is the server's way of informing the user agent - typically, a web browser or search engine crawler - that the requested resource has been moved to a new permanent URI. This status code is used to implement permanent redirects, a critical technique in the management of...
What is a 301 status code? View our HTTP Status Code glossary to review the details of this redirect code!
What is critical and probablymost importantabout these redirects is that the link equity has passed from the old URL to the new URL. That means that, if you’ve acquired a bunch of links on an old URL and you 301 redirect that old URL to the new one, you’re going to get all that...
301 redirect is the internet’s forwarding address for your website—vital for guiding visitors to your new URL without a hitch. The 301 HTTP Status Code works behind the scenes to keep your search engine rankings robust, even when you switch your online space. Understanding the power of a ...
This status code indicates that the resource is not permanently located at another URL. This will be specified by the Location: HTTP Response header. This is also like the 301 moved permanently response code, the exception that the user agent must not change the HTTP method used. If a POST...
What Is a 301 Redirect? A 301 redirect is an HTTP status code that sends users from the requested URL to a different URL and signals to search engines that the move is permanent. If /old-page/ has a 301 redirect to /replacement-page/, then anyone who attempts to visit /old-page/ au...
The HTTP 307 Internal Redirect response is a variant of the 307 Temporary Redirect status code. It’s not defined by the HTTP standard and is just a local browser implementation. We’ll discuss it later in more detail. While redirect status codes like 301 and 308 are cached by default, ot...
The Error code 404 is an HTTP Status Code that indicates that the page you are trying to visit is not present on the web server. Seeing this code as a website visitor, you will most likely close the tab and find what you are looking for elsewhere. Still, there are a few things you...
If the Hard Disk 1 (301) error is connected to the firmware or BIOS, resetting the BIOS can help disable it. However, check first if your BIOS needs an update. If that's not the case, follow these steps to reset your BIOS:
Not sure what to do when you see the HTTP 304 Not Modified status code? We'll share five easy methods to fix it!