Check detailed information on Startup India Scheme in the given link. Stand Up India Scheme also launched in 2016 aimed to facilitate bank loans to women and SC/ST borrowers between Rs 10 lakh and Rs. 1 crore for setting up a greenfield enterprise. Details on Stand-Up India is given in...
We began updating our notification scheme for exports so they persist until you dismiss the alert. This will help you understand what is happening in the event you request a large export that can take some time. Currently we've implemented this for PDF exports and will soon be rolling it ou...
FDs can prove to be a good source of regular income as they mostly allow monthly, quarterly, or annual payouts. On the other hand, RDs are ideal for people looking to build a corpus gradually, as interest payout for RDs happens only upon maturity of the scheme. Tax-saving FDs with tenu...
Here is an example to help you get your head around this scheme: If your business has issues with retaining customers, you can tackle them by sending promotional messages through WhatsApp. In this case, your KPIs might be clicks, engagement, and customer retention rates. 2. Pin down your t...
How do mutual funds work in India with an example? Let’s understand how a mutual fund works using an example. First, it’s essential to know the meaning of Net Asset Value (NAV), which is the price at which investors buy or redeem their mutual fund investments. Investment units are ba...
I am in Saudi Arabia(Pakistani national) My Employer is asking for “National insurance number” fees that are handled by the overseas employee as per them, how can I know if it,s legit or a fraud scheme? as per them, they are gonna get my H1b visa. Please let me know whether to ...
this incredible engine of innovation can be harmful if it isn't properly regulated. While it's great for people in the United States or Canada to have access to inexpensive cotton products, this benefit is reduced if cotton farmers in China or India don't receive fair compensation that promot...
Privacy, Integrity, Non-Repudiation, and Authentication can be provided as part of a cryptosystem if public-key encryption is added to the Digital Signature Scheme. Digital Signature Encryption Sending an encrypted message is a safer choice than sending plaintexts. In public-key encryption, the sen...
When jewelers talk supplier relationship goals, it often sounds like they’re describing a marriage. Attraction is a good start, but it has to grow from there.
A log will be created every time you create a schedule, update it, mark it as active, and mark it as inactive; also, when a report is generated and sent to the recipients. 8 December 2022 Track Time Using Dynamic Island Start, stop, or pause the project timer and keep track of the...