Interactive fiction can be written from scratch in any programming or scripting language. Any program that tells a story to the user, and tells it differently depending on the user's input, is interactive fiction.Interactive fiction can also be written with the help of specialized utilities, ...
Durantis' Faction and Officer Price CheckNot sure what your Items are really worth?Mail me in Game or list your item here and i will give you a honest and correct appraisal for your items.Have Questions about whether or not to sell your items right away due to demand or price ...
In D. melanogaster, the stalker element has been mobilized after crosses between two different mutant strains (Georgiev et al., 1990). Changes in the chromosomal insertion pattern of the copia element have been observed during the process of making chromosomes homozygous by the use of balancer ...
In "Play Misty for Me" the fact that the protagonist is a DJ explains why his stalker develops an unhealthy obsession with him, but what makes the film work is the psychological aspects of the film which really have very little to do with radio. In "Talk Radio", one could argue radio ...
SilentStalker HeadshotHustler BulletBouncer FragFrenzy KillStreakKing AmmoAmbassador CrouchCornerCreeper SmokeGrenadeSorcerer FlashBangFury DefuseDynamo BombBarricader SniperSensation SprayPatternScholar FragFountain CrosshairConqueror DecoyDestructor Ak47Adept M4OogaBooga GalilGuru P250Punisher ScarSharpshooter Tec9Terror...
Star_Stalker GalaxyBrain_Ghost BigBrain_Conspirator Stellar_Sleuth Celestial_Creeper Lunar_Lurker Martian_Marauder Saturn_Snake Venus_Vandal Jupiter_Juggernaut Solar_Schemer Comet_Conspirator DarkMatter_Drifter Aurora_Assassin Meteor_Miscreant Extraterrestrial_Edge Quasar_Quester Terra_Trickster Orbit_Opportunist ...
The Night Stalker 1972 tv movie The Outer Limits 'A Feasibility Study' The Outer Limits original series '63-'65 The Outer Limits- The Forms of Things Unknown The Outer Limits-Don't Open Til Doomsday The Resurrection of Zachary Wheeler 1971 The Sixth Sense 1972 tv series The Twili...
As if where ever his presence in the story was, it had the same effect as looking in a side view mirror of the car “Objects are closer than they appear”–What I mean by that is how I relate his contribution becoming larger than the part might have been, had it been a different ...