Divorce settlements generally include provisions for whether ex-spouses are entitled to any 401(k)assets, in keeping withthe rules of each spouse's plan.5Unmarried account holders should name a beneficiary to receive the account funds.4 The beneficiary options for a 401(k) are the same as a...
Many of my clients have come to me with this situation. One spouse has decided todivorceand the other spouse doesn’t want to. Why does this happen and what can you do about it? It is unusual for both spouses to arrive at the decision to divorce together. In most states, your spou...
Mediation is a common type of ADR. If you choose mediation, you and your spouse will hire a neutral third party to facilitate a discussion to resolve the issues in your divorce. Mediation allows a divorcing couple to reach a resolution based on their situation and children’s needs. This al...
In North Carolina, a spouse is entitled to alimony if he or she is dependent on the other spouse and if the court concludes that awarding alimony would be fair under the circumstances. One of the factors a court will consider is marital misconduct by either spouse. If a court finds that ...
What Is a Character Letter for a Child Custody Hearing? Should I Get a Divorce? Questions to Ask Yourself How to File for Divorce in Ohio How to File for Child Custody in Florida How to File a Divorce in North Dakota How to File a Divorce in Maine ...
1. You wish to guarantee lifetime income for both yourself and a spouse ("Joint and Survivor" annuity)2. You want payments to continue for a specified period (e.g. 5 or 10 years or more) to a designated beneficiary ("Certain and Continuous" annuity)...
Capital gains tax example: Selling your house after a divorce If you bought your home for $500,000 and it's now worth $1,000,000, you have $500,000 in home equity. If you and your spouse split but sell the home before your divorce is final, you should be exempt from the capital...
A "fault" divorceis only granted when one spouse can prove adequate grounds. Like an annulment, these grounds vary from state to state. However, there are some overarching commonalities. These guidelines often include substance misuse, addictions, untreated or chronic mental illness, and conviction...
How do you divorce an estranged spouse? If you do not know where your estranged spouse is, you can stillfile your petition for divorceafter making an effort to locate him or her. You will need to provide a statement to the court that you attempted to find your spouse. ...
Divorce A lis pendens is often filed in divorce cases where the distribution ofreal estateproperties has not been settled. It is particularly common in cases where a property is listed in the name of one spouse, and the other spouse seeks a portion of the asset. The spouse whose name is ...